Penile stretching promotes cell growth
If the body tissue is constantly distended, the body is automatically stimulated to reproduce cells. The result is that the skin or even entire
body parts react by lengthening and enlarging. The process itself is hardly noticeable, but very effective. The success of gentle but constant
traction, resulting in extension and enlargement has been documented.
What kind of systems are available?
Today we have 3 different categories of penile stretching systems:
- Classic penis stretchers with fixed bars
- Vacuum pumps
- Penis stretchers with belts
1. Classic penis stretchers
The "classic" penis extender is a device made of metal or plastic, consisting of 2 rings that are connected with usually 2 bars. Forming a
"virtual cylinder", your penis is inserted in that device and your glans is fixed at the front of the device.
With the 2 bars you can adjust the desired traction force. Wearing such a device is not too uncomfortable if you do not use a hight traction force.
The problem is that you can hardly wear the device under your normal clothes. Because of that you can usually only use the device at home.
2. Vacuum pumps
Vacuum pumps also fall into the category of a penis stretcher. They use a vacuum inside a big plastic tube to stimulate the penis tissue and to force
more blood into the penis. The result is a bigger penis in minutes, but the result is not permanent. You will have to use the device every day for some
hours to get a permanent effect. Also you can only use the device at home.
3. Belt systems
Belt systems are the most advanced systems on the market. Instead of using inflexible bars or huge plastic tubes they use a flexible belt that can be
worn around the body. With this technology it is possible to wear the stretching device under your normal clothes - even jeans and other tight pants.